The use of motifs in film is not uncommon and hasn't been in either past or present film. The idea of motifs ranges from specific meaning to certain items to just the simple case of familiarity. Some are used to signify a change in film or alert the audience of an event in which is awaiting its occurrence. These simple and purposeful objects, scores or phrases allows and audience to increase their familiarity with the move but also helps reveal the underlined message of the film. In the case I am going to use the film 'Women in Black' to explain the re significance within film.
The film 'Women in Black' frequently uses dolls to create a creepy atmosphere. Though at first sight the dolls seems fairly harmless the deeper meaning in which they're used to show empahises the eerie atmosphere in which the film creates. The director decided to use close up of dolls but also feature the in the background of many scenes as a direct attempt to scare the audience. The constant use of dolls in the background doesn't't always draw our attention but by using them so much meant that the viewers start to feel that they're always there. It's almost like they become another character of the film as the become so familiar to us. It also develops our understanding of the narrative as the girls who died in the house, were using the dolls just minutes before they jumped to their death. Once the three had jumped there is a close up shot of the dolls face which heavily links with the three girls. This frightening shot just after such a distressing scene only adds to the chilling atmosphere that the audience is exposed too.

Woman in Black has a lot of undertone meanings and uses lots of different objects to signify certain things. But the high use of dolls in the film is something that can't be missed and definitely adds to the feels scary mood. Dolls have been used throughout horror-thrillers as a particularly creepy object. Though they seem very innocent many horror directors have changed our opinion on them with films such as Chucky. This persona of dolls created by past horror films is used to the makers of 'Women in Black's advantage as though we never see them move they show a huge suggestion of possession in the house. The dolls dirty and worn look shows the dolls are fairly old and have been in the abandoned house for a long time. The idea that the dolls are one of the surviving objects suggests that the dolls are possessed as they have survived for such a long time. There are many dolls situated around the house which feels like they're watching every room. The watch that they have over the house makes for an alarming viewing.

Well done for exploring in detail the significance of dolls. I also like the way you mention how they feature in other films... it would be good to see more of this kind of cross referencing. You need to work on your literacy... the opening few sentences are really unclear - so re-write these. You also need to use paragraphs in your work. Finally, make sure you include a conclusion.